Thank you for your message.
We will get back to you within two business days.
1. How do we arrange for the purchase of the base vehicle to be converted?
We will be happy to locate the vehicle of your choice at a dealer near our facility. We can usually arrange excellent cost savings and pass them on to you through the fleet sales departments of these dealerships.
2. How much does a Becker Vehicle Conversion cost?
Costs vary with the options you select, in addition to the make and model of vehicle selected. When we receive your completed options selection, we will prepare a detailed price breakdown for your examination. Becker conversion price ranges from $200k to $450k+ (Armoring packages not included.)
3. How long does it take?
The transformation from stock vehicle to Becker Vehicle Conversions generally takes 90 to 180 days. It depends upon the number and type of options selected.
4. What are the warranties?
Each Becker Vehicle Conversions includes a three year, 36,000 mile written warranty on all upgrades. Extended warranties to five year, 60,000 miles are available.
5. Where may I examine a finished Becker Vehicle Conversion?
Our 33,000 square foot facility in Oxnard, California just 50 miles north of Los Angeles. We are located on the coast, between Malibu and Santa Barbara. There are several excellent private airports quite close by to our facilIties. Please visit our facility and see for yourself the level of extraordinary work taking place.
6. When you’ve finished with my new Becker Vehicle Conversion, may I have it delivered?
Yes. We arrange for delivery anywhere in the world.
7. Additional questions?
Call us at 805-487-5227, or email us at beckerluxury@beckerautodesign.com.